I started using jsonapi-resources
gem in order to create a JSON API according to JSON schema defined by http://jsonapi.org/
I encountered the issue with multi-lang support.
In my Ruby on Rails project I am using globalize
gem for multilang model attribute translations.
I started using globalize-accessors
gem as well, as they provide getters and setters for translated fields.
This is the JSON response for
GET /api/v1/pages/8
"data": {
"id": "8",
"type": "pages",
"links": {
"self": "/api/v1/pages/8"
"attributes": {
"slug": "testing-translations",
"translations": [
"locale": "en",
"title": "Testing Translations",
"body": "<strong>Lorem</strong> ipsum dolor sit amet"
"locale": "de",
"title": "Testing Übersetzungen",
"body": null
"locale": "fr",
"title": "Essais Traductions",
"body": null
I defined PageResource as
attributes :slug, :translations
def translations
translations = {}
Page.globalize_locales.each do |locale|
translations << {
locale: locale,
title: @model.send("title_#{locale}"),
body: @model.send("body_#{locale}")
This will generate a flatten relationship output.
In order to update translations in same manner, I had to enable translations through the strong parameters
def page_params
params.require(:data).permit(attributes: [:slug, translations: [:locale, :title, :body]])
As this will call translations=(data)
on Page instance, I created this method:
class Page < ActiveRecord::Base
translates :title, :body
validates :slug, presence: true
def translations=(data)
data.each do |o|
self.send("title_#{o[:locale]}=", o[:title]) unless o[:title].blank?
self.send("body_#{o[:locale]}=", o[:body]) unless o[:body].blank?
That's it.
According to the schema, the PATCH (or POST) request would be:
"data": {
"type": "pages",
"attributes": {
"slug": "test-ing",
"translations": [
"locale": "en",
"title": "Testing Translations",
"body": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"
"locale": "de",
"title": "Testing Übersetzungen",
"body": "Einige Blindtext sollte hier gehen"
"locale": "fr",
"title": "Essais Traductions"
"body": "Certains faux texte devrait aller ici"