Json Api Namespaced Models

If you want to have a resource that needs access to a namespaced model, you can overwrite the resource_type_for(model) method from JSONAPI::Resource module.

For example, I have a model placed at app/models/weather/alert.rb, and I created a resource at app/resources/api/v1/weather_alert_resource.rb.

Note that resource is not namespaced.

I extended the resource_type_for(model) in my WeatherAlertResource like this:

    class Api::V1::WeatherAlertResource < JSONAPI::Resource
      attributes :country, :town, :from, :expires, :description, :alert_type
      model_name 'Weather::Alert'

      class << self
        def resource_type_for(model)

and now I can make a GET /api/v1/weather_alerts and everything works fine.